Star Wars the Phantom Menace

This page is about the movie Star Wars the Phantom Menace. This movie is the first movie of the star wars saga in chronological order however it is the 4th release in the star wars saga.

Rating: PG Common Sense Media age reccomandation:8+ Rotten Tomatoes score: 52%

My thoughts about this movie: Many don't agree but I think that the phantom menace is overall a good movie and does not deserve all of the hate it gets. That said it has some flaws, it has a lot of CGI which while providing cool battles took away from some character development and the technology for the special effect in 1999 just wasn't what it is today. The main downfall however of this movie were expectations. Expectations can kill a movies popularity and critical acclaim. this movie had to follow maybe the best act of all with a trilogy revered by fans, to them this movie just didn't deliver. Let's get into the good things about this movie. First off while maybe not the best, it gives us origin stories for arguably the two biggest characters in star wars, Anakin and Obiwan. It is cool to see obi wan as an apprentice and some time with anakin as a child is not unwelcome in my book. The movie also has cool characters like Qui Gon jinn and darth Maul who make while short lived, a nice set of rivals. The last thing that is good about this movie is the number of cool scenes there are. You have the escape from the separtist blockade ship which is fun and introduces us to the main characters. you also get the pod race which shows some very cool vehicles and a great sequence. In the later half of the film you have the battle on naboo which shows the awesome droid army against the ranks of gungans, and finally the space battle between naboo and the sepertist blockade. All in all I think that this movie deserves some more credit for what it was.

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